- Doctor Mactaggart Dorsey was appointed as the first Magistrate in Ipswich 30th September 1846
- In the late 1850’s there was a shortage of coins for small change, and several private firms minted their own “tokens” which were mainly pennies and half-pennies.
- Turkey Opium – A case of this, a very fine sample, is available at the Medical Hall Ipswich. M. Barnes Proprietor, February 8th 1861.
- A shipment of 4 bales of cotton was sent from Ipswich to England in 1862.
- A United Free Church was opened in Canning St. North Ipswich on March 22nd Built of pine it could accommodate 50 persons.
- In 1871 Frederick W. Whitehouse baker and caterer opened his business in Nicholas Street Ipswich.
- Henry Walker opened his Queensland Boarding House in Brisbane Street Ipswich in
- Mr Charles Pitt purchased 30,000 bricks from Mr Shepherd of the * Bundanba pottery to erect a sugar-mill at Redbank Plains in * Correct spelling in 1875
- Pure water from the Brisbane River was laid on at the Ipswich Corporation baths in
- Miss Eleanor Elliott was a lady preacher who conducted Divine Service at the Primitive Methodist Church East St Ipswich in October 1879.
- Vogler opened his business premises in Bell Street Ipswich in August 1883. He was a surgical instrument and cutlery maker.
- The Ipswich Town Clerk in May 1887J. Kendall, called applications in May 1887 for the office of Street Lamp Lighter.