MINE WORKERS MUSTER: An ongoing compilation, computer based, giving the details of mine personnel from Ipswich and district coalfields.
RAILWAY WORKERS MUSTER: An on-going compilation, computer based, giving details of railway personnel from the Ipswich District.
INDEX TO BDM NOTICES: Computer based compilations of BDM notices published in local newspapers.
OBITUARIES: An on-going compilation of obituaries and biographies of former residents of Ipswich and districts with over 9,000 records. Fully indexed on computer.
NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS: An on-going collection of clippings taken from district newspapers. Fully indexed on computer. Queensland Times is no longer printed..
MARRIAGE INDEXES: An on-going project of marriages over a wide time period, of persons with Ipswich connection. This collection is growing fast with 4000 records currently available.
IN MEMORIAM NOTICES: A new project collecting “ In Memoriam ” The notices start at current dates and are being gathered working backwards year by year. These notices often contain many more family names than the funeral notices.
CEMETERY RECORDS & HEADSTONE PHOTOS: Indexes are searchable and copies of headstone Photographs are available for $5.00 each.
All projects are constantly being up-dated, therefore it is important to re-check these listings from time to time.