Ipswich & Surrounds
- Picture Ipswich
- Harrisville Museum
- Rosewood Scrub Historical Society
- Ipswich Historical Society
- Ipswich Libraries
State & Territory Libraries
- Australian Capital Territory Heritage Library
- Northern Territory Library
- State Library of New South Wales
- State Library of Queensland
- State Library of South Australia
- LINC Tasmania
- State Library of Victoria
- State Library of Western Australia
National State & Territory Archives
The first Marburg School firstly named Frederick, and earlier Sally Owen's Plains. These buildings were moved in the early 1920,s to the present site. A new school building was erected and the old ones used for the Boys and Girls Rural School, opening in 1922. The second in Queensland, the first was at Nambour.
Family History Societies
Australian indigenous family history
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) - Family History Unit
- Publications and other resources about Indigenous Australians - National Archives of Australia
- Indigenous family history beyond the National Archives – Fact sheet 270
- NSW: Immigration and Shipping- New South Wales Assisted Immigrants arriving in Sydney and Newcastle 1844-1859, Sydney 1860-1896, Moreton Bay, 1848-1859, Port Phillip 1839-1851
- NSW: Unassisted Immigrants 1844-1855
- Unassisted Passenger and Crew Arrivals 1854-1900- indexes primarily New South Wales unassisted arrivals including coastal shipping to Sydney (incomplete)
- Ships Musters 1816-1825- passengers and crew departing from Sydney
- National Archives of Australia- post 1923 immigration records
- Queensland assisted immigration1848-1912
- South Australian passenger lists- from precolonisation to 1850+ (incomplete)
- Victoria: Index to registers of assisted British immigrants-indexes assisted immigrants from Britain to Victoria, Australia between 1839 and 1871
- Victoria: Index to unassisted immigration to Victoria- lists of unassisted passengers to Victoria, Australia from overseas ports (including New Zealand) between 1852 and 1923
- Victoria: Outward passengers to interstate, UK, NZ and foreign ports1852-1901
- Irish famine memorial- lists, by ship, Irish Orphans girls brought to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide in the 1840s & 1850s (incomplete)
- Convict transportation registers 1787-1867
- Convict records at State Records NSW
- Convicts to Australia: a guide to researching your convict ancestors
- First Fleet online
- Ireland-Australia transportation records, 1791-1853
- Irish convicts to NSW 1791-1836
- Ships of the First Fleet
- South Australian transported convicts 1837-1851
- Swan River convicts 1850-1868
- PRO Victoria - Convict records
- Index to Tasmanian Convicts- index and digitised records
- Index to convict applications for permission to marry 1829-1857- Tasmania
- Cascades Female Factory (Tasmania) Historic Site
- Proceedings of the Old Bailey 1674-1834- records of trials held in the Old Bailey
- Claim a convict
Military / Service Records
- AIF Project- provide details on the 330,000 men and women who served overseas in the (First) Australian Imperial Force, 1914-1918.
- World War II Nominal Roll- provide brief details of WW2 service personnel.
- Nominal Roll of Australian Veterans of the Korean War- provides information from the service records of individuals who served during the Korean War
- Australian War Memorial - provides biographical databases such as nominal commemorative and honour rolls, honours and awards, Australian Army war diaries, wounded missing and prisoner of war files and general information about Australian involvement in overseas conflict and peacekeeping.
- Mapping our Anzacs- investigate Australian WW1 service personnel by locality of birth or enlistment
- Debt of honour register (Commonwealth War Graves Commission)- lists details of men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the two world wars and Commonwealth civilians who died as a result of enemy action in the Second World War
- Australian War Graves in South Africa 1899 - 1902- a searchable database of information from Australian Boer War memorials
- Oz-Boer database
- Soldiers and marines index 1787-1830
- Australia's redcoat settlers
- Military Historical Society of Australia
- Digger History- an unofficial history of the Australian & New Zealand Armed Services
Other Australian Resources
- Genealogy online - web sites for genealogists
- Family search Internet genealogy service- International Genealogical Index (IGI)
- Australian family history compendium
- South Australian family history and genealogy
- Internet family history association of Australia (IFHAA)
- Cyndi's list of genealogy sites on the Internet- Australia
- Rootsweb - Australian and New Zealand records
- Genealogy and family heritage
- National Archives of New Zealand
- VICNET family page with links to Family History and Genealogy