

Evolution of Modern Germany (The
Genealogical Handbook of German Research (A
German Ancestors from East Germany and East Europe
German Place Names-Pre 1945 and their present day Polish Names
German Research Directory
Germany 1789-1919 A Political History
Government of Germany (The 2nd Edition
Handy Tips for your Genealogical Research in Germany
History of Germany
How to Find my GermanĀ  Ancestors and Relatives
How to Trace your German Ancestors
If I Can, You Can Decipher Germanic Records
In Search of Your German Roots
Mecklenburg Genealogical Handbook
Name Changes of Former Prussian Communities from 1850-1942
Tracing your German Ancestors (2nd Edition)
Tracing Your German Roots
Villa Hugel Head Quarters Nth Germancaol Control Krupp Family (The


Dawson, William H
Jensen, Larry O
Nuthack, J.V.R.
Gen Soc of Qld Inc
Wardale, C & Jenner, M
Ramm, Agatha
Herz, J H
McClelland, James
Friederichs, Dr.Heinz.F.
Mutzelberg, O
Bentz, E
Baxter, A.
Hall, C.M.
Verdenhalven, F
Towey, Peter
Wellauer, Maralyn A
Ainslie, D.P.